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  • 2CHOICES.WAV 278,338

  • Mandark: I leave you with 2 choices. Either you become my lacky, or shut down your lab and discontinue any further experiments here on in. The choice is yours. Goodbye, Dexter!

  • 8OCLOCK.WAV 92,176

  • Dee Dee: Meow! Meow! Meow! Ahh! It's 8 o'clock!

  • AFINEDAY.WAV 66,456

  • Dexter: What a fine day, for science!

  • ALLURFLT.WAV 52,724


  • ASSISTME.WAV 140,604

  • Dexter: Will you please assist me by SHUTTING UP?! You are interrupting science!

  • ATLASTMY.WAV 115,882

  • Dexter: At last! My chocolate chip cookies are done.

  • BAILOUT.WAV 19,676

  • Computer: Bail out.

  • BEGNTEST.WAV 41,366

  • Dexter: Computer sequence, begin test.

  • BRAINGON.WAV 135,986

  • Dexter: Sometimes I amaze even myself. There are times when I think my brain is just about...GONE!

  • BRAINTRN.WAV 141,602

  • Dee Dee: It appears that your brain transplant was successful. Congratulations, Dexter.

  • CLONES.WAV 52,244

  • Dexter: Where are the clones? Send in the clones!

  • COMMANDU.WAV 99,688

  • Dexter: I created you...I COMMAND YOU!

  • COOKCLEA.WAV 108,218

  • Dexter: Cooking? Cleaning? These are not things a little boy knows how to do...

  • DAHORROR.WAV 39,798

  • Dexter: Da' horror.

  • DEXTDINO.WAV 56,990

  • Dexter: This should solve the Dexter/Dino equation.

  • DEXTWHAT.WAV 34,376

  • Dee Dee: Dexter! What are you doing?

  • DIDIDUMB.WAV 305,174

  • Dexter: But I will help you; you are my sister, after all. And I have pledged my life to assist you in your search for a mind. It will be a difficult task, but I will not rest until I fill the GAPING hole in your head.

  • DIDISTOP.WAV 53,054

  • Dexter: Dee Dee! Stop your devilish destruction.

  • DILEMA.WAV 33,806

  • Dexter: This is quite a dilema.

  • DINNERTM.WAV 91,836

  • Mom: Kids! Dinner time! Old Man Dexter: Oh boy! Dinner time!

  • DLIMP.WAV 129,172

  • Dexter: This better be important, woman. You are interrupting my very delicate calculations.

  • DLTEARS.WAV 53,658

  • Dexter: I do not have time for your tears.

  • DONTPUSH.WAV 169,294

  • Dexter: Please! Please! Do not push the button! You have no idea what it *BEEP* *BOOM* does...

  • DORKSTER.WAV 108,028

  • Bullys: Well, well, well. If it isn't Dorkster with his stupid excuse.

  • DRAT.WAV 10,938

  • Dexter: Drat.

  • DUH2.WAV 79,716

  • Dexter: I have no friends and I am totally unpopular. DeeDee: Duh!

  • ENGAGTST.WAV 45,296

  • Dexter: Computer, engage test sequence.

  • EWGROSS.WAV 47,690

  • Dee Dee: Eww, gross!

  • EXPERDOG.WAV 65,962

  • Dexter: I promise I won't experiment on the dog anymore!

  • FINALRUN.WAV 75,304

  • Dexter: And now, my dear assistant, it is time for the final run through.

  • FIRSTDAY.WAV 70,642

  • Dexter: *RING* At last! The first day of school has come!

  • FUTRMSG.WAV 62,534

  • Dee Dee: I have a message for you from the future!

  • GETAWAY.WAV 32,536

  • Dexter: Get away from the animals.

  • GOOD2BBK.WAV 58,642

  • Computer: It's good to be back, Dexter.

  • GRANDPA.WAV 167,334

  • Dee Dee: Grandpa!
    Old Man Dexter: I am not Grandpa!
    Dee Dee: Grandpa!
    Old Man Dexter: I am not Grandpa!
    Dee Dee: Grandpa!
    Old Man Dexter: I am not Grandpa!
    Dee Dee: Grandpa!
    Old Man Dexter: I am not Grandpa!
    Mom: Grandpa?
    Old Man Dexter: Hi!

  • HAIRFIRE.WAV 163,786

  • Dexter: *BOOM* My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire! My hair is on fire! My hair *SPLASH*

  • HAVEUANY.WAV 60,432

  • Dexter: Have you any idea of what you have done?

  • HELPUS.WAV 188,732

  • Announcer: And now, live from Washington, the President. Clinton: People of the United States of...of the American peop...People of the Uni...Aw, heck! Somebody just help us!

  • HEY2.WAV 74,330

  • Dexter: Hey! Wake up! Come on, sleep time is over! Food time is now!

  • HIHIHI.WAV 148,732

  • Dee Dee: Hi! MeeMee: Hi! LeeLee: Hi! Dexter: Dee Dee! MeeMee! LeeLee! Bothersome, irritating girls!

  • HIHIHIBY.WAV 122,208

  • Dee Dee: Hi! MeeMee: Hi! LeeLee: Hi! Dexter: Bye, bye, BYE!

  • IATEYOUR.WAV 83,274

  • Dee Dee: I ate your cookies. I ate your cookies! *RAZZ*

  • IGIVEUP.WAV 23,694

  • Dexter: I give up. What is it?

  • ILOVEMY.WAV 820,658

  • Dexter: It is mine. It is all mine! Oh I am so happy in my laboratory. Even when my superior mind is at rest, it fills me with glee to have such love in my heart for what I have created. I love my super intelligent, high speed, quadraplex T3000 computer! I love my award winning, giant, ultra-sensory, electron microscope! I love my multitude of monitors! I love my shrink-ray! I love my space shuttle! I love my sonic disrupter! I love my atom-smasher! I love my AAGH!...Evil sister! Dee Dee: Hi!

  • IMDOOMED.WAV 13,868

  • Dexter: I'm doomed.

  • IMLVWDEX.WAV 796,048

  • Computer: Telephone line disconnected. Ready for redial and voice augmentation. Dexter: Good! *DIAL* *RING* Lisa's Boyfriend: Hello, Lisa! What happened? Dexter (as Lisa): Oh, I guess we just got cut off. Dexter: But I wanted to call you back and tell you that you have got cooties and I am in love with Dexter. Bye!

  • INFRMATN.WAV 112,166

  • Dexter: The information you hold could alter man's destiny! I will do anything to possess it!

  • ITSALIVE.WAV 194,396

  • Dexter: *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* It...is...ALIVE! *CRASH*

  • ITWORKED.WAV 48,302

  • Dexter: Eureka! It worked.

  • JUSTASIT.WAV 26,068

  • Dexter: Just as I thought.

  • JUSTPRES.WAV 60,236

  • Dexter: Quiet with your foolishness! Just press the button.

  • LEAVENOW.WAV 154,932

  • Dexter: Can you not see that I am busy? You will leave now. My laboratory is no place for the likes of you!

  • LETSPLAY.WAV 72,074

  • Dee Dee: Come on, Dexter! Let's go play.

  • LETSROCK.WAV 33,680

  • Dexter: Let us rock!

  • LUNCHTME.WAV 69,954

  • Mom: Kids! Lunch time! Old Man Dexter: Oh boy! Lunch time!

  • MANDARK.WAV 144,596

  • Mandark: Please sir, call me...MANDARK! *CRASH* *BARK* *BARK* *NEIGH* *BUBBLE*

  • MARBLES.WAV 262,840

  • Dee Dee: Dexter, I've lost my marbles! Have you seen 'em? There's a blue one and a red one and a green one and a pink one and a purple one and some of them have spiral, cool stuff!

  • MATERNAL.WAV 48,802

  • Dexter: Maternal Kombat!

  • MMMMMMNO.WAV 53,690

  • Dee Dee: Mmmmmmmm...No.

  • MMMMMMOK.WAV 44,226

  • Dee Dee: Mmmmmmmm...Ok.

  • MOMALERT.WAV 15,968

  • Computer: Mom Alert!

  • MOMSSICK.WAV 299,486

  • Dexter: Mother? Mother? It is past breakfast time! Mom: Ughhh... Dexter: Mom? What is this strange condition? Eyes all red and pusy. Tongue is coated. Pulse has quickened. What could be wrong?

  • MOVIETME.WAV 182,276

  • Family: *TICK* *TOCK* *CUCKOO* *CUCKOO* It's movie time! Old Man Dexter: Oh boy! Movie time! *RUMBLE* My hip!

  • MSGYET.WAV 458,412

  • Dexter: May I have my message, now? Dee Dee: Mmmmm...What message? Dexter: Arrrgh! The message from the future! Dee Dee: Oh, you can't have the message, yet! We still have another ballet to perform! Dexter: Another ballet? Dee Dee: Yup! The Nutcracker! *SMASH*

  • MYNAMEIS.WAV 192,844

  • Dexter: Uh, my name is Dexter...Uh, and I uh...Doooo we have any clones in the room, this evening?

  • NEVERWRK.WAV 97,912

  • Dexter: No, no, no! It is ruined! Now, it will never work.

  • NEVRFAIL.WAV 111,018

  • Dexter: It never fails to surprise me how completely without intellegence you are.

  • NOBODY.WAV 67,030

  • Dexter: Nobody commands my computer!

  • NODIDINO.WAV 21,678

  • Dexter: No, Dee Dee! No!

  • NONONONO.WAV 51,798

  • Dexter: No, no, no, no. That would never work.

  • NOOOOOOO.WAV 65,612

  • Dexter: Noooooooo!

  • NOT4YOU.WAV 586,590

  • Dexter: These cookies are not for YOU! These cookies are for my laboratory rats. These cookies contain the wonderful formula X-2-9, and are not for meant for human species. Especially your species of sister, such as yourself. Thus, I reiterate, the chocolate chip cookies are only for my rats. Do you understand that? Dee Dee: No.

  • NTLISTEN.WAV 94,372

  • Dee Dee: Hahaha. Dexter: Rrrrr...You are not listening to me! Now pay attention! *BEEP* *CRASH*

  • OKOK.WAV 37,582

  • Dexter: Ok, ok. Thank you, dear.

  • OMDUFRMG.WAV 834,436

  • Lisa: What did you say? Dexter: Omelette du fromage? Lisa: Oh Dexter, Dexter! French is the language of love...Ohh, say it again, Dexter. Dexter: Omelette du fromage. Lisa: Ahhhh...

  • OVERLOAD.WAV 104,052

  • Dexter: Away, away I tell you! You are overloading the machine!

  • POTTYTME.WAV 39,718

  • Dee Dee: Oooh! Potty time!

  • PRESSBUT.WAV 45,874

  • Dexter: Will you please press the button for me?

  • READMIND.WAV 70,598

  • Mandark: Yes, Dexter, I can read your thoughts, and I am smarter than you.

  • RUNOUTTM.WAV 69,224

  • Dexter: I am afraid we have run out of time, dear sister!

  • SLUMBER.WAV 195,094

  • Dexter: Ok, ok! Please! Remain calm! I have a plan. It...It is uh...uh Dee Dee: Slumber party. Dexter: Slumber party!

  • STAYUP.WAV 65,482

  • Dexter: Please, Mom! Can't I stay up just this once?

  • STOPIT.WAV 116,178

  • Dexter: Stop it! I command you to stop!

  • STOPTHAT.WAV 21,216

  • Dexter: Stop that!

  • TALK2TRE.WAV 84,000

  • Dexter: Why don't you go back outside and talk to trees, or whatever it is you do?

  • THNXBILL.WAV 148,590

  • Old Man Dexter: A little help there, umm, Dodo? Dee Dee: Dee Dee. Old Man Dexter: Dada? Dee Dee: Dee Dee. Old Man Dexter: Doodoo? Dee Dee: Dee Dee. Old Man Dexter: Ahh...Thanks, Billy.

  • UNDRPANT.WAV 73,152

  • Neighborhood kid: Dexter's running around in his underpants!

  • URARAT.WAV 144,034

  • Dexter: Are you a rat? Dee Dee: Nooo. Dexter: Then you can not have my cookies, so get out of my laboratory!

  • UWONTQES.WAV 80,406

  • Dexter: You won't question my computations, will you?

  • VICTORY.WAV 493,842

  • Dexter: All right, men! We must stop the intruders at any cost. Some of you might not make it back. That is a risk worth taking. You have received your orders. Now make me proud. Victory shall be ours! Dexter clones: HOO-AH!

  • WEEP4U.WAV 35,140

  • Dexter: I weep for you, Dee Dee.

  • WELCOME2.WAV 162,786

  • Dexter: Welcome, and be amazed, at the world of Dexter's Laboratory!

  • WHATBLIS.WAV 57,006

  • Dexter: Ahhh...What heavenly bliss.

  • WHATDOES.WAV 89,162

  • Dee Dee: Ooooh...What does this button do?

  • WHATDOU.WAV 51,864

  • Dexter: What exactly do you think that you are doing?

  • WHATRUDO.WAV 55,276

  • Dexter: What are you doing in my laboratory?

  • WHATWASI.WAV 20,392

  • Old Man Dexter: What was I doing?

  • WORKDONE.WAV 93,238

  • Dexter: At last! My greatest work completed!

  • YBREATHE.WAV 33,182

  • Dexter: Why am I breathing so hard?

  • YOUFOOL.WAV 96,994

  • Dexter: You fool! Mothers do not get sick; they take care of the sickly.